Don’t be a knower because knowers know different things and here lies the genesis of conflict. Be an observer and gradually your knowing will be of a different order: Knowledge irrefutable, because it will be of spirit. What of things of this world? Can there be no knowing of right and wrong? Good or evil? There can be discernment but let it be guided by spirit. Such knowledge does not seek for absolutes where only contextual variations exist. Such knowledge does not settle for subjective bias where truth only abides in unity and synthesis. With this greater knowing you will observe patiently without the need for final determinations. You will feel that the living cosmos itself is wiser than human intellect. Do not confuse ordinary knowing with true knowledge. True knowledge flies higher than opinion: deeper than temporary emotions: beyond the manipulated propaganda of vested interests. And here my friends, is the gateway to wisdom. Greater knowledge is wise. Its wisdom is born of experience and long years of experiment. Wisdom is not quick to judgement. It quietly observes with a calm unified spirit eye. It knows that it doesn’t know but rather it gathers and connects. True wise knowledge is a verb, not a noun. It is an unfolding, not an ending. It does not become stirred to anger. It does not fall prey to fear and doubt. And most importantly of all, wise knowing has a full heart: it loves and is kind.
Messages For The World #4Zoom can be a boon
A group of five
connecting via technology
and yet
a loving resonance
respectful listening
heartfelt sharing
warmed hearts and minds
opened vistas
within consciousness
all contributing
to a weaving dance
sharing subjective experience
with objective openness
for this gathering
is not concerned with
ultimate determinations
nor with exclusivity
but rather
with living and learning
with shedding light
upon the reason for being
for bringing new insights
to the meeting
between spirit and science
between intuition and intellect
and within the aura
of such a gathering
despite its technological
my soul gladdens
and inspires
this poem
as an expression
of gratitude.
Messages For The World #5
If a global challenge
awakens hearts and minds
penetrates below
outdated layers
of narcisstic tendencies
superficial thinking
complacent lethargy
subjective alienation
and a host of other
robotic conditionings and
if a threat to our old normal
altruistic compassion
deep inner contemplation
enthusiastic good deeds
kind relationships
and numerous other
soul nurturing movements
then this may be
the crisis we needed to have
and perhaps
we are on a cusp
of a possible shift
in consciousness
that would re-assess
our human responsibilities
and usher in
a new kind loving world.
Message For The World #6
More than ever before in recorded history we as humanity need to evolve to the next stage of evolution. Our minds are locked into an old paradigm: that values competition, aggression, division, exploitation, manipulation and so on. This has rendered consciousness split against itself and in its projections, hostile towards the other. Humanity is destroying itself and everything else along with it. The cult of individualism and sectarianism in its various forms is putting ‘us against them’. Our leaders for the most part are like toddlers squabbling in the school yard, or autocrats feathering their own nests and egos. But such a long history of narrow, illusory thinking is reaching its last phase of societal control. Societal crisis’s are not random. They are natural consequences of a blend of causes. Those causes are often hidden or ignored. There is a reluctance to want to know what they are, because if we know, it would be apparent that our world would need to change. We don’t really want our world to change. It would disrupt our routines and habits. If change happened somewhere else to someone else, then change would be acceptable, but we don’t want our personal lives to change: at least not deeply. But deep change is what is needed if we are to continue to survive. We actually don't have a choice unless we are okay with extinction. And this is the threshold we are entering into now. For thousands of years we have evolved but the developments that have seen civilisations come and go, and yet survive with a preponderance of hostility, conquest, wars, enslavement, exploitation and cruelty essentially intact. This has changed superficially but is essentially the keynote of human society until now. A narcissistic and elitist attitude and state of consciousness has been the dominant influence of global politics and culture. It has led to a world of tremendous disparity between the haves and the have nots: it has spawned outrageously cruel behaviour towards our planet, other sentient beings and our own species. It has led to a political-corporate-industrial-military-media-scientific-educational-judicial autocratic tyranny. It has actually led to a compliant mass of hypnotised humanity. This could logically only continue so far before self-imploding. The good news is that humanity can change this. And what is happening now is a collapse of the old paradigm, with its corrupted institutions. As individuals, we are all a part of the problem and potentially a part of the solution. What is happening on the planet is not a series of isolated situations. This is a wake up call on a grand scale. We can all contribute to the change that is urgently needed. We can all begin to take on more responsibility for the daily choices we make. One that I made years ago was to stop eating meat. Another was to stop watching television. Everyone needs to search their innermost hearts and minds and discover what type of future world they want to exist within. And then act accordingly. We are all in this together. The window in which we need to change is narrow. Can we step out of our addictive habits of selfishness, greed, exclusiveness, pride and fear? Can we begin to evolve into who we can be? Together? Now?
Messages for the World #8
An Australian mid-winter poem
Mid-winter sun promising
times ahead
bright and renewed
buds preparing
to burst outer shells
emerging from dark
underground incubation
into outer environs
whence their secret
innermost destinies
unfold in splendour
for it is their nature
as with our souls
to metamorphosize
in evolutional movements
spiraling inwards
and outwards
in cosmically inspired
longings towards
a vision beautiful
seeking gradually
it’s fulfilment
in human culture
Messages for the World #9
Truth visited
but I turned away
closed my ears
distracted my view
and yet truth persisted
seeking a moment
when my rejection
would collapse
in humble surrender
reality visited too
but I ran for shelter
covered my eyes
buried my head
and yet reality remained
waiting for a moment
when escapisms
would cease
in kind forgiveness
and finally
grace visited
but now chastened
by truth and reality
my heart felt
by gratitude
and grace
bestowed peace
and love
and I knew
all would be well
Messages for the World #10
We are not here
For ourselves alone
To feather our own nests
To gather followers
To indulge in self congratulation
Rather we are here
To share and connect
To creatively express
To deeply listen
To celebrate life
To transmit my words
For the upliftment
Of your heart
For we are not here
To be in lock down
But rather
To be in loving embrace
With all life
With all sentient beings
Beyond fear and anxiety
Meditating with living presence
With awareness of each moment
As precious beyond measure
Remembering to transcend
Time and space
In deep sublime
Inner quietude
And sacred communion
Messages for the World #11
Overcoming comparison
between great teachings
and great souls
but rather rising aloft
to where complimentariness
sweetly meets and inter-kindles
is what sings to my heart
overturning exclusivity
into inclusive respect
where deep care
gently penetrates beyond egoism
connecting I and thou
is as a flute
playing the most sacred tones
overwhelming in love’s embrace
into a living interweaving
with all sentient beings
eyes opening
to see their varied beauty
ears opening
to hear their cosmic voices
minds opening
to receive soul inspired thoughts
hearts opening
for then we can co-create
a garden culture
worthy of spiritual beings
beyond comparison
Messages for the World #14
The Anthropocene Age or
Please stop eating animals
(I don’t know whether covid has been deliberately spread or is the result of zoonotic transmission, or a combination of the above, but either way, we are called upon to radically change our thinking and behaviour).
It’s time to speak out
for it is clear
that we are living through
challenging times.
within a global situation
more complex and multilayered
than seems on the surface
where mainstream media
and our politicians
are mostly concerned
with one layer
the numbers game
how many are testing positive
how many are being tested
focusing on a pimple
when there is a chronic disease
an obsession with a symptom
rather than a cause
or multiple causes
in truth
what is happening
is caused by human behavior
this is the Anthropocene Age
when human activity
is the dominant influence
when climate change
and pandemics
are two symptoms
implying that
taking responsibility
for our human thinking
and actions
are of utmost significance
if we want to contribute
to turning things around
and it is here
that we can
make a difference
it is here
that we can think
in our own ways
and make our own choices
we could stop
eating animals
we could stop supporting
factory farming
wet wildlife animal markets
live animal exports
chemical and anti-biotic additives
we can prevent
zoonotic spreading
of transmittable viruses
we can stop
supporting untold misery
to our non-human
who experience fear
and terror and grief
as we do
thus we can
all contribute
to creating
a sensitive caring
kind existence
a new earth.
Messages for the World #15
The power of the politico-corporate
media and therefore
the monopolised rhetoric
through the spokespeople
political or media
who attempt to ridicule
censor and disparage
any other science
perspective and dialogue
and to set people
against each other
which is more dangerous
than a virus
more devastating
more grooming society
towards supporting totalitarianism
more reacting without thinking
more programming
the minds into believing
that the only science
and perspective
is the official one
that has the backing
of the politico-corporate
media and
on the other side
the potential power
of a fearful and emotional
marginalised rhetoric
that is actually
a vast spectrum of positions
that mistrusts authority
and suspects that there is
an evil cabal
wanting to control everything
and everyone
and between these two
opposing world views
truth struggles
to make an appearance
to stay free enough
to do the deep research
to listen to both sides
to gradually and carefully
join the dots
and yet
as a wise mentor once said
when all is said and done
I could be wrong.
The worst aspect of the so-called official truth is that this type of rhetoric creates a total ‘us against them’ narrative. Without a middle ground
authoritarianism takes control and divides the people. We need to be able to discuss freely and not be pitted against each other. We need to be able to question and research and share without being subjected to ridicule, censorship and hatred. This is an evolving situation and no one sees the whole elephant.
Messages for the World 16
The atmosphere online and spilling out into the homes and streets of the world is one of tension and polarity. Information from many sources conflicts and undoubtedly there is a war of ideas and ideologies occurring. Covid 19 has been a catalyst for a deep schism between opposing perspectives and beliefs. Within this maelstrom one asks ‘what and who do I believe?’
Personally, my position is fluid, as investigations receive information from across the spectrum. There is no single position that I can comfortably take that doesn’t have counter views or information. But there is one aspect that I feel very ill at ease about. And that is the censoring of information and perspectives (voices) that leads to one main narrative being heralded as truth. This violates the essential principle of freedom of speech, and supports those who perpetrate a single narrative (often unconsciously) at the expense of others: meaning the silencing or censoring of those whose view differs from one’s own.
It doesn’t help their position. Those who censor voices other their own are creating division. The reasons given for such censorship are generally limited to a few arguments: that reduce to whether something is true or untrue. The general censorship becomes a way of discrediting anyone who questions the mainstream narrative. It is therefore implied or even openly stated, that any such information or perspective is a social risk. Alternative views can likewise be intolerant of other voices.
Why do we fear an open debate? Why limit the general social narrative to one type of view? Why silence those who question the mainstream narrative? Why vilify the mainstream narrative? Why have one main perspective broadcast across all social media?
The complexity of this situation is because there are no simple rights and wrongs, truths and untruths. For example, if one focuses on a single individual player, be it Donald Trump or Dan Andrews or Scott Morrison, there is ample reason to both agree and disagree with aspects of their narratives and actions. Only one eyed devotees could totally agree or disagree with everything they say and do. This applies to almost everyone but is especially relevant in the context of major influences within the global and local social dialectic. When information itself becomes totalitarian in its flavour and implementation of censorship then it feels as if a sacrosanct spiritual principle is being violated. This points to a complexity within human consciousness itself: that of subjective bias. A spiritual consciousness would be universal in essence. It would seek to be inclusive and uphold justice and the good for everyone and everything. It would attempt to rise above partiality. It would not silence opposition, but rather attempt to meet it with an open heart and mind. So-called Democracy as it has become politicised is a mockery of inclusivity. It is oppositional by its very nature. Not just oppositional but in such a manner that it pits two opponents against each other, rather than seeking a common good. It is adversarial rather than advercational. The alternative to democracy is generally considered to be dictatorship. In this model, opposition is eliminated one way or another. This too is not what it seems. Neither model is itself totally right or wrong. Because it is human consciousness that is the vital element. A benovolent dictatorship could be argued is preferable to an ineffective and cruel democracy.
Therefore, group structures, whether political, religious, corporate, social and so on, are larger versions of the individual: complex by nature. Within the individual, if one voice or part dominates and censors another, it causes a tension and split of the integrity of the whole being. This renders those parts that are censored or silenced into the underground of the unconscious. This is dangerous and leads to sickness. The same principle applies to the body politic: to society as a whole. Therefore neither democracy nor dictatorship is the real issue, whether at the individual or social level. The real issue is the need for an integrity of consciousness.
Messages for the World 17
Quite simply, humanity must change, if as a species on this precious planet, we are to survive. If it takes cataclysmic events to initiate such changes then so be it. If it takes a pandemic to bring about a shift in political priorities then the pandemic can be seen to have a silver lining. For example, homelessness is finally being taken seriously, at least in Melbourne. The quality of care in aged care facilities is being seriously confronted. These may be the tip of the iceberg, but they are pointing in the direction that ought to have been undertaken without a crisis. When economic regularity becomes irregular it’s interesting how the mighty dollar is redistributed in ways that reveal a flexibility that addresses social inequalities. What does it take? That’s been my question for many years. Now can this deepen and spread across a spectrum of other vital needs for change. Can our political and corporate leaders and organisations become harbingers of a shift in heart and mind: in consciousness itself? Can they exercise the ‘will’ necessary to usher in a new world order worthy of the best of human potential and aspirations? At least, a powerful move in that direction. It will require a shift in the power structures of the entire world. It will require a need to address the critical global problems of poverty, slavery, cruelty and environmental destruction. (To name just a few). It will need to get serious about life itself. It will need to bring about a new level of discourse. It will need massive deconstruction and intelligent, caring reconstruction. The task is enormous. But human ingenuity is also enormous. It’s the ‘will’ that needs enlivening. We are truly all in this together, so it’s not only about the leading figures, but everyone of us. Our planet and the amazingly diverse array of sentient beings that share its environment with us, is calling out for wise care and compassion: for us human caretakers to evolve beyond the dominant cultural and psychological narcissism of our history, and flower into what we can become. We can evolve beyond the old ‘tribalism’ into a global community without sacrificing our individuality. We can become truly interdependent. We can evolve beyond exclusivity into inclusivity. We can begin to change our daily habits in ways that make a difference: that reveal an empathy and insight into the consequences of our choices. No one is perfect but we can become nobly imperfect: which means moving in the right direction, with intent and ‘will’ and ‘heart’. If this shift occurs due to a global event that initiated a shift in political and public thinking, then it will be a silver lining. It may be seen by those that follow as the crisis that needed to happen!
Messages for the World 19
The Logic Against Humanity
What is happening in the world is not following an identical pattern from the past because there has been a hidden intention to bring about change, and that hidden intention is now manifesting. One aspect of this intentioned change is what is commonly referred to as globalisation. It was foreshadowed that a future world that could be controlled and managed in a particular way would need uniformity. The lack of uniformity, or the presence of too much freedom, was perceived as a problem that required long term planning.
It is obvious to any contemplative investigation that the movement towards global uniformity has increased exponentially since the end of WW2. Corporatisation has been a major part of this movement. Corporations have become multinational and therefore influence nations and cultures in ways that transcend normal local boundaries. And amongst the most influential of these multinational corporations are social media. It is through social media that the world’s population receive their version of the world: their version of what is happening and why.
If global social media has a great diversity in its output then that inhibits any greater global uniformity, and therefore it requires a global threat to overcome local differences. Wars pit nations against each other but the new agenda was to create one single threat that would usher in a new global uniformity of rhetoric and social engineering. In other words, a uniformity that can be controlled and managed by the elite that control the law, media and corporate-political agendas of the world. Of course the opposite to total uniformity would be a type of anarchy. And in truth either extreme is a violation of cosmic law. The entire universe exhibits a golden law of balance. But human intention and motivation does not easily replicate this law of balance.
Globalisation is a movement that is directed by a very small number of individuals, families, dynasties and cabals (secret alliances) that have their own vested interests and agendas as their sole motivation. If social media can itself be made into a uniform vehicle of rhetoric and messaging then the world’s population that has become conditioned to receiving their world-view from television, radio and the internet, can be influenced uniformly. This scenario of globalisation and its inherent dangers was foreseen by many visionaries before our post modern era.
Aldous Huxley in his book 1984 was one. Massimo Scaligero was another. The title of his book the Logic Against Humanity, took this topic to task. The messaging of a uniform social media is seemingly logical. It calls upon so-called experts to justify its rhetoric and directives by the use of logic. That this logic may be fundamentally flawed or manufactured is never entertained. It’s power is within its seemingly infallibility. Those who attempt to present an alternative perspective or information are then deemed as illogical, and therefore dangerous. They are then ignored, censored, ridiculed or punished. Uniformity cannot tolerate freedoms that move beyond their constricted and constructed programming.
Messages for the World 20
Logic Against Humanity continued
If there can be a uniformity of language, messaging and directives, that becomes believed as the ‘good and right’ then whatever and whoever thinks and behaves differently can be demonised. This is what is happening now on a global scale. Social media is the mouthpiece and showground of this exercise in social engineering and programming. But it cannot succeed in the long term. It never has. What such attempts at social control create are new forms of underground counter-forces. Temporarily, these attempts at totalitarian (fascist) control appear to be succeeding. Afterall, they control the air waves. They control the interpretation of the world that the masses are fed every day. And they control the ability to demonise those who disagree with their so-called logic. They control the social narrative. But this draconian and fundamentally flawed attempt to control the minds and hearts of the world’s population is doomed. It’s rhetoric of right and wrong, it’s appeal to fear and confusion and greed and insecurity (and so on) is a lowest common denominator and gradually more and more individuals will awaken to its dishonesty and manipulated deceptions. The way this plays out is fascinating to observe if one can remove one’s hypnotised attention into vaster, freer spaces. One begins to gain insights into the inconsistencies, contradictions, and downright stupidity of much that is being passed over as logical fact. I am intentionally not being specific because that will be fodder for those who believe the uniform social narrative, to engage in never ending bla bla: that avoid the essential message I’m sharing. But I’m happy to hone in on any specific area, on a one to one basis, over a cup of tea, or other personal exchange. The macrocosmic is expressing through the microcosmic. And human society is the playground where it’s happening. This is about freedom to be fully human. This is about living without overwhelming fear and anxiety. This is about honouring human autonomy. And most importantly, to my feelings and thinking, this is about the need to feel safe to share our own perspectives and experiences without censorship, and without being demonised by a social narrative that is controlled by those forces that desire uniformity at all cost.
Messages for the World 22
Every message, piece of information and presumed fact is challenged and countered by other messages, information and facts. Every person sounds as confident and assured as the others. They cannot all be right. This is where we are. The more one is open to all messages, information and so called facts, the more one realises that someone is telling a porky. But who? And why? Welcome to the matrix 2020 version. This is not just about Covid 19. It is about everything: our world: our lives: our reason for being. Here I stand (as you all do too) in the Center. I am piggy in the middle. The entire world and cosmos swirls around my being. And it is what it is. But what is it? What is the truth? Who is telling the truth? One thing is for sure: language itself is being used as a tool. New words are being made familiar. Words such as a-symptomatic. Should we not be asking questions such as: wouldn’t large numbers of people who tested positive for any number of pathologies at any given time, be a-symptomatic carriers? Because we all carry strains of these bacteriums and viruses. But normally no one gets tested for such things and if one is a-symptomatic it passes as healthy. No one even knows. And given that social measures are related to numbers of positives should we not know what the percentage is of how many positives are a-symptomatic? And given that Melbourne is in mid winter, what are the numbers of flu? And it is that as covid numbers increase, flu numbers decrease? How many covid positives received the flu jab? Who is joining the dots? Who is preventing the dots from being joined? The questions and their implications are important. One of the biggest questions is: is this pandemic a part of a huge global plan to control the world’s population? Or is it at least being used for that purpose? The possibility of that being true is too great a leap for most to entertain, but there have always been those who want to rule the entire world. They still exist. If asking such questions and doing the research makes me a conspiracy theorist, I’ll proudly wear that ‘tin foil hat’. Intended humour apart, and to cut to the chase, what I’m picking up on through researches that span across the divide, is that there is a elite...that have unimaginable wealth and power...who are orchestrating a scenario to both cover up past and present crimes against humanity and the planet itself and lead humanity into an enslaved future without the masses being aware of what is happening, and more tragically, supporting it: even demanding their own demise and enslavement. This is already happening as if in a dress rehearsal. It appears that this orchestrated scenario in its various manifestations cuts across political divides, and cannot be identified by political demarcations. If there are leading political figures that know what is happening and are genuinely against it, then it is an individual stance, not a party political one. We are not born belonging to a red party or a blue party. Good and evil are within human beings, not party politics. Another related factor, is that the current global situation is conflated in ways that makes the seeker for truth, scratch his or her head. It is a matrix that presents everything in ways that are not what they seem. The more I have researched, the more bizarre many of the findings. The corporately owned and controlled media including the ABC, are spinning out a rhetoric and picture of reality, that is uniform and consistently unquestioning beyond narrow parameters. Investigative journalism is mostly like a shackled slave thinking he or she is free. Or they are banished to the wilderness. Or paid off or silenced in other ways. Owning the media means owning the public narrative. Owning the politicians means owning the social structures, the economic priorities, and in essence, human lives and the environment. And most politicians and media personalities are owned. They are groomed to be servants of powers they are not even aware of, or are in agreement with or are too afraid to resist.
But this matrix is in reality not infallible. Cracks are beginning to appear in the walls of the illusory citadel. And Gaia itself is forcing us to break the hypnotic spell that we are living within. We are all within the matrix. It can only be transformed within. That means within ourselves to begin with. And increasing numbers of people are gradually awakening. Here is the hope. We are better than this! We don’t have to become geniuses. We are already latent geniuses. We only need to strip off the masks. And then love for life and all sentient beings will usher in a new consciousness and civilisation.
Messages for the World 23
Six weeks to reconfigure
to recalibrate
to be alchemists of the soul
to clean up one’s own backyard
the inner garden
that is full of noxious weeds
and lovingly make beautiful
what has been despoiled
six weeks to do research
to follow the money
into darkened caverns
then to step out wisened
and with insight
into the externalised beast
six weeks to remember intuitively
the life mission buried
in the secret heart chamber
of the soul
and begin to join the dots
six weeks to regain
autonomy of thinking
sublime depth of feeling
conscious actions
towards a future
truly worthy of human embodiment
six weeks of knowing
that we are not alone
in our quests for truth
for purpose and wisdom
for revelation and transformation
six weeks to experience
a new wave of cosmic energy
a downflux of grace
a river of gold
from spiritual realms
that urge us
to awaken
to become as we were intended
to be caretakers
of our previous planet
and radically become
beings of evolutional change
six weeks to emerge
from the cocoons of history
and fly free
as inspired butterflies
as agents of a utopia
that awaits manifestation
Messages for the World 25 (Poetic Version)
The individual can be so intent
to varying degrees
of conscious knowing
of inner processes underway
calling for attention
and feeling
one has no real choice
but to give oneself over
to those ‘forces’
a challenge arises
related to the relationship
with other
because the other is experientially
within their own
subjective matrix
thus in order for a relationship
to remain stable
a degree of autonomy
for both is required
which implies a capacity
to regard the other
as significant as one’s self
and this also implies
a capacity to move close
and apart
as necessitated
by the ebbs and flows
of two entities
having their own experiences
and needs of the moment
which is an essential element
of being able to navigate
a relationship with another
and by extension to the world
therefore the art of relationship
is not a given
but rather we must
individually cultivate this art
and understand
what gets in the way
of the potential
for harmonious relationship
are the unhealed wounds
within each individual
for it is the underlying pathology
of the human condition
and is what we are now
being called to awaken to
within ourselves
and where possible
to journey in collaboration
and in caring alchemy
of loving relationship
and yet such an elevating
of consciousness and experience
cannot be forced
and must accept
first and foremost
one’s responsibility
to bring commitment
to one’s inner process
without demanding for the other
to be a support
that can only be truly effective
if naturally given
thus the individual must
cultivate inner powers
of understanding
so that autonomy
can be independent
of external supports
and yet simultaneously
recognise that as human beings
we all have a common essence
and we know
the need for others who resonate
and understand our innermost terrain
without providing a perfect relationship
in the sense of
an unconscious narcissistic fantasy
whereby personal needs
to be supported and understood
dominate over empathy
and care for the other
and may these words
be a reminder to all
who are struggling
with the borderland of self need
and relationship
and be an inspiration
to cultivate the patience
to further the journey
towards personal transformation
inwardly and outwardly
Messages for the World 26
It is clearly obvious
that what is shared
in the online community
spans perspectives
information and science
of every possible
subjective position
of every vested interest
of every intuitive leaning
to the point whereby
it reveals as a confused
contradictory and oppositional
array of conflicting narratives
but where a dominant narrative
a voice that is officially
sanctioned by the powers that be
and is the voice
or the powers that control
and that own the media
and that with a script
that is designed to
create an us against them
tidal wave of intolerance
and total compliance
to their own singular dictates
that punish those who
dare to question or disagree
and therefore
banish other voices
other narratives
other science
other perspectives
other information
and become part
of a global orchestrated
intention towards
a modern form of totalitarianism
that is grooming humanity
towards accepting
whatever is mandated
supposedly for the health
and common good
and we are meant to trust
the same institutions
the same corporate entities
the same owned politicians
the same owned media corporations
the same type of leadership
the same consciousness
that has brought the world
to the brink of catastrophe
without questioning
it’s motives
it’s dictates
it’s science
it’s daily singular narrative
I’m unconvinced!
Complexity mixed with context
spins a web so complex
so relative to contextuality
that every perspective
contains elements of truth
and elements of distortion
and add intentional lies
into the mixing bowl
sprinkle some extreme unfounded certainty
and what we have is
complexity mixed with context
a complex contextual matrix
Messages for the World 27
What is the way out of the matrix
I will tell you
there is no way out
it begins with that knowledge
then with accepting complexity
then understanding context
then having an immediate insight
into consciousness itself
as being the spiritual being
transcendent and infinite
beyond all complexity
and all contextuality
and yet engaged multidimensionally
in the matrix of phenomena
and then
complexity and context
become the ever shifting
movements of thinking
feeling and willing
and manifestations
and one allows freedom
to deconstruct a rigidity
that sought certainty
where it never was
nor can ever be
and peace came upon
the soul
and fluidity of perception
and thinking
became as a river
and a smile broke out
whose origin
was as deep as the ocean
and simplicity has been
discovered from within
the inner treasure chest
of consciousness and soul
and complexity and context
were known as the everchanging
clothing of life itself
allowed to reveal its symbolism
in its own process and time
and what was known
as certainty beyond all doubt
was consciousness itself
in its shining awesome beauty.
Messages for the World 28
The need for a new political understanding.
Especially in a modern historical context, there is a strong bias towards thinking of fascism as a right wing phenomena. This is a grave error. There is right wing fascism and left wing fascism. Nazism and Communism were both fascist. They were both totalitarian, dictatorial and sick. And these two types of fascism are alive and well in 2020. But because of a collective tendency to align exclusively with right or left, Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Labor, and so on, a polarisation occurs that hides the fascist orientation within both sides of the divide. This becomes a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy that divides people and keeps them in a distracted polarity while the real agendas are being rolled out under everyone’s noses. This is happening now in Victoria as if it is a test case. Things are not what they seem. My own views, thoughts, orientations and alliances are being shaken to the foundations. As I research more and more, I am learning the most astounding new things that my deep intuition tells me is correct, or at least, mostly correct. I am joining the dots. It is a truly amazing journey. Whatever you want to know, if you are genuine in intent, and patient, you can discover. This involves inner work and outer research. This has led me to more information than I can possibly share online. Through my poetry, prose and videos shared online, I share what I intuit are sign posts for others to read, watch and listen to if they feel to. My published books too outline a direction that offers entry points into understanding the bigger picture. Right now, in the situation we find ourselves here in Victoria, all I can finally say, is use the time in lockdown to research what is being kept from you. There are deliberate attempts to prevent other perspectives information, knowledge, facts and narratives from the general public. We are being lied to. We are being conditioned and programmed to live in fear. We are being groomed for mandates that increasingly strip us of our freedoms. We simply are being hypnotised by a mainstream narrative where reality is hidden from view. This is not a new phenomenon. Only the outer form is adapted from an old fascist paradigm of the desire or the few to control the many. This old paradigm is why our world with all its inhumanity, cruelty, environmental destructiveness and extreme inequalitie, is. We are better than this. This is a time of great awakening or great slavery. We are on a threshold of history: of human evolution.
Messages for the World 29
Regardless of what one thinks about Covid—whether the mainstream narrative or an alternative one—there is one essential fact that has been overlooked or covered over that will rise from the undergrowth and burst into externality. That ‘fact’ referred to is the pushing into the underground of a spectrum of other urgent concerns that growing numbers of people had begun to demonstrate and protest about across the entire world. Covid ‘coincidently’ offered a global ‘pandemic-plandemic’ to match what was a global protest for radical change. Hundreds of thousands of people, many young with their futures ahead of them, were taking to the streets everywhere. They are not going away. And Covid as an justification for separating people from meeting each other or gathering in large numbers has like a tidal wave, pushed this movement into the background. But a new tsunami is gradually mounting and will spill over into mass civil disobedience. A rapidly growing movement of people are reforming and regrouping, who don’t believe in the mainstream narrative with its so called statistics, will challenge the oppressive structures of government and law enforcement. This is an orchestrated scenario intended to crush a rebellion that was threatening the status quo.
It is a global phenomenon being especially played out in particular target cities around the world. Melbourne is one such city. It is destined to become very ugly. The voice of reason will be overwhelmed by a rising surge of anger, frustration and demand for change. There will be unexpected and unplanned for consequences. The controlling powers have unwittingly set this in motion by an over zealous attempt of authoritarian actions focused on Covid, without allowing alternative narratives to be heard in the public arena. The foolish censoring of non-mainstream voices has created a volatile underground movement that is like a volcano building to a point of release. The lack of connectivity between two types of thinking is a slow cooking brew that can only lead to a disastrous external situation. This will be one microcosmic example of what will increasingly happen all over the world. Chaos will reign. This is a part of a breakdown of society that is ineviatable because of decades of refusing to take seriously the human condition and transform it. Between now (August 2020) and the end of the year, tremendous upheavals will occur. They are already beginning.
The urgent need for personal and collective transformation is reaching unprecedented levels of inner and outer manifestation. Decades and indeed centuries of human stupidity, greed, violence, narcissism, tyranny and many other examples of low frequency human thinking, feeling and willing, have gradually led into a technological and mass communication age, and is erupting in unprecedented ways. This is just the beginning of a breakdown in global ‘un’ civilisation as we have known it. The lack of courageous, compassionate, wise leadership, within the halls of corporate, political, judicial and social media, have helped to bring the world to a critical threshold. This does seem all self-created gloom and doom, but the silver lining is that is what needs to happen in order for new growth to happen. So even as the world enters into wave after wave of societal breakdown, civil disobedience and general chaos, be inwardly strong. Meditate on the common consciousness that unites us with all sentient life, all precious beings. Know that this upheaval in its various external expressions can usher in a transformed world. This is transition-time. It is the ‘hour of reckoning’. Be strong. Be connected. Be kind.
Messages for the World 30
Can global chaos, unprecedented in recent history, be averted? Chaos in all aspects of planetary life, social, environmental, health, and every other aspect of life. The short answer is no. But there are always possible ways to lessen the impacts and create new positive changes from the dying ashes of the old. This can be a time of utter destruction or painful transition.
It should be clear that the Anthropocene Age is upon us. That human thinking and actions are tipping the planet’s biosphere with all its wondrous living creatures, flora and fauna, towards extinction, and yet, it is within human potential to radically reverse this trend at the midnight hour. The extreme weather events and global viruses are as sirens blasting out a warning and a call for a response. The situation we find ourselves in is a part of an ongoing complex process. It is historical and evolutional.
Every decision made over hundreds and thousands of years has incrementally contributed to the brew we know as ‘now’. And this is exactly where the power to change exists. Now. What everyone thinks and does each moment matters. This especially applies to those who most influence human society and the environment. For this reason, we must hope that wise leaders will emerge who can begin to deconstruct the elements within our global and local structures, that most need changing. And then reconstruct in ways that honour the sacredness of life. Most of the status-quo who govern our global communities are vastly lacking in such wisdom. They are maybe clever but they are not wise. They are maybe powerful but they are not compassionate. They are maybe diplomatic but they lack courage. But they are human beings and can undergo inner change, as we can all do. But they (those who hold the reigns of power, whether corporate, political, scientific, media, art, etc) can begin to turn the tide. And keep doing so. The media have an especially vital role in this. They are now the most powerful medium of influence on the planet. It is time for an urgent shift in quality and content. The wisest and most compassionate persons on the planet are hardly ever mentioned over the airwaves. Those who have so much to share (and there are thousands of them) are generally unknown and ignored. Not only the words of such shining lights, but also so much of what they are ‘doing’, is uncovered. Instead most programming on television and radio is of a lowest common standard of superficial infograbs and crass entertainment. It also transmits the political and corporate paradigm of the materialistic and consumerist focus of our capatalist hypnosis. The Anthropocene Age demands a reset. It is possible. It will be the younger generations that now will lead the way forward. They are the real hope. And us oldies need to support their awakening consciousnesses. Can global chaos be averted, I asked. Maybe a temporary chaos can be the transition into a vastly more intelligent, caring, sensitive, kind, authentic, inclusive world. Maybe we are on the edge of a precipice and that will be sufficient to initiate a radical transformation. We can all make a difference.