
Esoteric Thoughts 19
Hold on! This is not the first time that a collective dark night of the soul was perpetrated upon an enslaved and dumbed down humanity. Nor will it be the last. How did this come about? How did humanity develop into a few rulers and a mass of obedient slaves? It isn’t a new story. Therefore the tendency to rule and be ruled is deep within the DNA of human consciousness. And it is a semblance of a natural cosmic hierarchy that has taken on a free momentum of its own, that was granted in the vast mists of time. Our oldest mythic stories reveal the archetypal nature of this tendency. Consciousness gradually evolved from a singularity to a multiplicity. With each further development the scope of freedom expanded and this manifested as a natural hierarchy. By the time our planet was readied for human life, this development had become densely physicalised. What this involved included a growing sense of identification with the body and the physical senses. And with this development, the human brain itself evolved faculties of thought, speech and imagination. Human evolution then began to develop exponentially. Until now when the rate of change is quite phenomenal. The external changes match the internal developments. But the diversification between individuals has become broad and deep. Culture itself has become diversified. And yet the ancient impulse to rule is yet as powerful as ever. This has led to human hierarchies that separate people into various ‘classes’ even if not strictly demarcated linguistically. These ‘classes’ are not a problem in themselves, but what has become problematic is the quality of relationship between the rulers and the ruled. The degenerate quality of this hierarchical relationship extends to the relationship between the rulers and the earth itself. And this has now reached a critical phase of human and planetary evolution, mythically prophesied in many religious and cultural stories. It is time for a quantum change. Yes, there have been many other collective dark nights of the soul, but each time it has its own particular historical character. What is playing out in the world around us is the ‘signature’ of this time. It tells its own story or a chapter of the great saga of cosmic and human unfoldment. So let’s hold on! We have survived eons. We shall survive this too. And move towards a vision born in the womb of universal consciousness. We are meant to outgrow old hierarchical paradigms. We are meant to metamorphosise back to singularity: a singularity of divine consciousness. A harmony of loving kindness. A unified field of sensitive inter-dependency. We shall consciously choose to die and be reborn into who we really are. The wizard behind the curtain will confess and become the true wizard of cosmic singularity, but singularity within diversity. Utopia awaits us. It exists within our souls as a vision that belongs to the Godhead of existence. It is who we are.

Esoteric Thoughts 18 -The Welcomer at the Threshold.
The Welcomer at the Threshold is a vision of the future that we can grasp as we strive towards it. It cannot be embodied until an alchemical transformation is completed. And then furthermore until world culture becomes its vaster goal. This is the entelechy that urges humanity onwards, towards personal transformation. And it is the osmosis that happens amongst like minded individuals that speads towards important tipping points. A vital aide in this process is nature and all that is natural. The cosmos is itself natural. It has not been artificially created. That is true essentially for life on planet earth. But gradually this state of pure nature has been overlaid by human (and extraterrestrial) forces of trans-natural or extra-natural creativity. Humanity has benefited much from such a human created technology. And it has become part of our lives to such an extent that it is experienced as natural. But it isn’t natural and the interface between the natural and trans-natural realms have gradually lost a healthy balance. The Welcomer at the Threshold cannot invite souls who are themselves examples of this imbalance. A useful analogy can be that of a small community that is largely existing off the power grid, consumes only natural healthy food and is made up of individuals that are truly ready for such a life-style. Their entire way of living is cohesive and based on consciousness that is transformed beyond the ordinary. They have a reverence for life itself and this expresses in all they do. Imagine that this ideal community has minimal contact with the outside world, therefore it is not corrupted by unhealthy external forces. Now imagine someone approaching this community and expressing a desire to join with them. The Welcomer at the Threshold is the wise elder who must discern whether this individual is ready to join the community. We are all somewhere in this scenario, somewhere within this story, psychologically and socially. We secretly all yearn for this community. How close or far we are from being welcomed into such a community depends on whether we have recognised the dragon at the threshold, and if we have, how we are navigating through the processes involved with the Gatekeeper at the Threshold (Esoteric Thoughts 15 to 17). This is the evolutional human journey we are all participants in. The vision pertaining to the Welcomer at the Threshold exists deep within our souls. It can be experienced as the truest impulses within our consciousness. All the most beautiful utopian visions belong to this archetypal impulse. It is the angelic force of authentic natural being that knows this: a deeply metaphysical gnosis: a supranatural heart knowledge that transcends all artificial and mechanical human creativity.

Esoteric Thoughts 17
Gatekeeper at the Threshold
Having recognised the Dragon at the threshold, the karmic accumulation of cosmic and human tendencies, it moves to the meeting with the Gatekeeper at the Threshold, which is where the great inner work proceeds from. It is when consciousness takes on the task of alchemicalising the inner accumulated contents, within the realms of mind, emotion and body. This task has now become entwined with technology. This is the middle ground between Dragon and Welcomer. The Welcomer of the Threshold will be the portal into a transformed consciousness. The Gatekeeper represents the faculty within consciousness to discern between right and wrong. The Christianised word ‘sin’ means to ‘miss the mark’. We know in our hearts what is right. We have a conscience. When we ‘miss the mark’ there is a part of us that feels that, unless we have become disassociated from it. To varying degrees individuals and groups have indeed become disassociated, desensitised and disconnected from the moral impulse that resides within our deeper human nature. And hence our culture reflects that. These degenerate tendencies has become the symbolic dragon, that now acknowledged, we are challenged to do the work of transforming: which is psychological, emotional and physical alchemy. Moreover, this work is metaphysical because it transcends the materialistic and physical plane. It is spiritual in that life and consciousness themselves are spiritual forces. Discernment is being conscious of the difference between right and wrong, but not on the level of human conditioning. Such discernment is innately within the heart of human experience. But because of karma, it is covered over by layers of accumulated experience. In it can thus be perceived that the ordinary human condition is midway between the dragon and the angelic realm of highest consciousness. And this is the region of the Gatekeeper. It is the gatekeeper’s duty to guard the higher states of consciousness from defilements. We can become aware of this activity because consciousness contains all possibilities. It is the conscious faculty of discernment that distinguishes between internal and external phenomena: between thoughts, feelings and actions. It is the I Am awareness that is secretly the individual spiritual consciousness or in Christian esoteric terms, a Christed consciousness. Cultivating such a depth of consciousness is to refine and empower the capacity to discern. It is the bridge-walker that spans between the lower human consciousness of natural instinct and the higher human consciousness of enlightened spiritual awareness. The bridge itself is everything inner and outer that consciousness relates to in embodied human existence. To align personal consciousness with the cosmos is the golden key to walking across the bridge meaningfully. It is our guide, and it is here that the Gatekeeper helps us develop clearer thinking, feeling and willing. It is here that consciousness can discern when to surrender to emptiness and be guided by intuition. Now in the chaotic machinations of our present external global and local scenarios, it is this deeper, intuitive faculty that can be the golden thread that proves to be more real, effective, trustworthy and a portal into our own higher destiny, than any other consideration. Then we can know with a spiritual perception that the battle has already been won. Only the linear, karmic progression needs to play out, and our own contributions can then be perceived as drops that incrementally contribute to the ‘shape’ of its unfoldment.

Esoteric Thoughts 16
The Dragon at the Threshold
For any spiritual aspirant the dragon on the threshold is the first obstacle to be encountered. The dragon symbolises everything that obscures the real identity and purpose of the human being. In the Orient it is often known as karma: the accumulated psychic and emotional dross that incarnated human existence always involves. In itself karma is essentially neutral. It can be known as the ‘law of consequences’. It only becomes helpful or unhelpful on the spiritual path according to the type of thoughts, emotions and actions performed. Such a judgement and discernment cannot be based on cultural or even religious grounds. It has to be experienced on the golden higher dimension of consciousness. It is a moral impulse that is essential to what it means to be human.
What is important to perceive is that the dragon exists both individually and collectively. At this time of human history the dragon is revealing itself in both these areas. The individual dragon-self is massing into a great divide between the human population. It is another watershed that humanity is passing through because the dragon has never been fully exposed and transformed. Therefore, there are many features of the particular scenarios being performed on the world stage in 2020 (and beyond) that are essentially the same as in previous historical watershed moments. This is because of one essential axiomatic truth that underlies all others: that the dragon that is not met and transformed within is projected outwardly. This is where the interface exists between individual myopia and evil mass movements. 1930’s Germany is of course a prime example in terms of modern history. But the 2020 world is now to varying degrees, geographically and geopolitically, passing through another ‘dark night of the soul’. Such breakouts of the collective dragon have led to two world wars. And now we have entered an early phase of world war three, except this is being played out within a technocracy that far supersedes past conflicts, with its reach of the oppressor to influence and potentially inflict punishment on the oppressed. Before the Consciousness of both individuals and collectives can even discern what is taking place, the dragon at the threshold needs to be perceived for what it is. It must be perceived as a dragon. There can be no progress without this encounter first taking place. Unfortunately there is a powerful resistance against any such encounter. What happens is that a scripted illusory account becomes a dominant narrative. It justifies itself in clever networks of seemingly logical facts. It uses the media of the times to repeat and repress: to give social credit to those who agree and punish those who do not. This is where the dragon expands itself into a beast of totalitarianism, dictatorship and the arbiter of a singular reality. All who offer a different narrative are deemed as enemies of the ‘state’ and a danger to the public good. In acknowledging this the individual must look within to find where this externalised collectivised dragon exists, because the externally activated dragon can only survive because it has not been transformed within humanity as individuals. The truth is and will therefore be, that as individual souls, some will further transform through this individual and collective ‘rite of passage’ and some will not. For those that can and will transform through this externalised historical-evolutional phase, recognising the dragon can be the first stage of a three-fold process. The next stage will be of the Gatekeeper at the Threshold: the process of discernment that is a vital aspect of the alchemy of transformation.
“Doing the right thing has become tightly entwined into one essential single narrative that purports to be the reality of what is happening. It is supported by those scientists, health ‘experts, media broadcasters, law enforcement and corporate-political powers that control the single narrative, for reasons that are only superficially disclosed. Therefore, ‘doing the right thing’ has become a ‘mantra’ used by the oppressor in an attempt to control the oppressed. The supporters of such oppressive dictates welcome the oppression of others and unconsciously welcome their own enslavement...we are one humanity: what prevents us from observing this myopic human condition, that fosters an us against them polarity and psychology? Are we not better than that?”

Esoteric Thoughts 14
The Golden Principle
Opposites will never harmonise unless they have a third force that is of a greater status. The horizontal line at the base of a pyramid requires a single apex to complete it. That singular apex, in the present context, is what I refer to as the golden principle. It brings to the oppositional forces of red and blue, left and right, a possibility of integration. This higher golden principle is a spiritual force. It has the potential to heal the polarity. This trinity of forces have been a part of human evolution, with the biography of this evolution passing through many historical phases. Now it has reached a phase of human evolution that can be labeled as Technocracy and Transhumanism.
There were always oppositional forces: progressive and conservative; collectivist and individualistic, structural and creative; oriented towards greater control or greater freedom. And there was always a force that was of a greater quality of consciousness that alone could heal the oppositional forces. Such a higher consciousness is ethical, wise and incorruptible. It is a higher moral force that is beyond lower oppositional forces. When I use the word ‘structure’ what is implied are particular ideologies and systems. Both sides perceive that their own perception is correct and the ‘other’ is incorrect. The other then becomes the enemy and even brutal means are justified as being for the social good. This historical polarity has expressed in every type of ugly, distorted, inhuman behaviour. It contrasts with the beauty, health, cooperation, creativity, kindness and love that being human is capable of embodying. It is the higher consciousness that we are now being called upon to embrace. It is the consciousness that all great spiritual teachers are models of and whose teachings are infused with.
We are spiritual beings sharing a common consciousness, that has the key to the golden possibility of inner and outer transformation. It does not have elitist tendencies. It is not brutal and does not try to force itself into others. It is universalistic and cosmopolitan. It’s science is based on the perception of the human being as a spiritual being. Its impulses are towards healing all divisiveness. Its love embraces all living beings and life itself. It is this golden principle that is now needed in 2020 to flow into the vested interests of the red and blue oppositional forces. The truth is humanity needs both freedom and structure. They need not be antagonistic towards each other. It’s only the development of thinking that has been named natural science that has over-dominated, and has led to a split between the forces of freedom and limitation or structure. Life for those addicted to the horizontal plane of red and blue is reduced to commodification, consumerism and materialism. Life has been reduced to objects. And the so-called one percent have monopolised the wealth and means of production. This has enslaved humanity, and for the most part the majority have willingly surrendered their critical thinking and spiritual impulses for a Machivallian monotony of shallow experience. The golden thread is symbolic of a rebellion against this historical enslavement. It is an uprising of consciousness. But if it is too bring about deep transformation it needs to not be pulled down into the warring dynamics of the left and right, red and blue, structure and freedom, and lose touch with the golden consciousness of higher human qualities. The return to consciousness itself beyond all lesser phenomena, can then become a re-cognition of its universal nature; its spiritual power. It is this spiritual power that alchemises emotional, mental and physical dissonance. It heals oppositional forces of energies. It brings calm into the storm, and clarity into confusion. It is the golden principle that resets and recalibrates our inner world.

Esoteric Thoughts 13
There are two primary orientations that occur on the horizontal level of human consciousness: that I have symbolised as the red and blue. This can be investigated both internally and externally. The red orientation leans towards structure, control and discipline. It has a spectrum of movement from that closest to a central position, thus closest to its opposite orientaton, to the extreme, the furthest away from the centre. The blue orientation leans towards autonomy, creativity and freedom. Its spectrum likewise spans between close to the centre and the extreme of furthest away. The logic here is that when the red and blue are both at extremes they are the furthest apart from each other. In other words, that is when discipline and freedom are most oppositional.
Near the centre, by contrast, is where red and blue are closest. This horizontal model can be applied to both the individual and for groups. Behind this red-blue polarity there is a super agenda that controls both sides. It is a transnational cabal that has a singular aim: to control humanity, the planet and space. It is an orientation towards the red extreme of control. Throughout the year 2019 the blue impulse of freedom was expressing globally as waves of protest and rebellion. It’s two most popular expressions were the Extinction Rebellion and the Greta Thunberg inspired mass ‘movements’.
This mobilisation of millions of people was building into a human tsunami that was demanding radical change. Is it any wonder, or coincidence, that a red inspired counter-force has magically appeared? A global push back force suddenly appearing as if a magic wand.
The dynamics between freedom and structure penetrate into the very core of our universe. What has been named as the ‘implicate order’ is the obvious fact that a type of underlying balance exists in the universe that allows galaxies, solar systems and planets to maintain a equilibrium or balance. At the level of our planetary nature, leaving aside humanity, this balance between structure and freedom is mostly ruled by ‘natural law’. But human beings have a capacity to think, feel and act with freedom that far surpasses natural law. And it is here that oppositional forces between structure and freedom deviate from balance. The next ‘chapter’ will focus on the third force of human consciousness: that I have named the golden principle. It will be shown that without the conscious influence of gold, the red and blue will never find a harmonious and meaningful balance. The gold is known by many names. It is the higher consciousness that is the innermost reality of the human condition.

Esoteric Thoughts 12
There are seven aspects of human consciousness to consider. There is consciousness itself as a living force. There are two primary archetypal movements within consciousness, that I have named red and blue, that represent to orientations: that of structure, control and discipline (red) and autonomy, creativity and freedom (blue). There is the ego, which is the I Am cognition of individuality and independence. And there is the faculty of mediation: that capacity within human consciousness that can integrate and harmonise the other aspects. And then there is the awakening to the realisation that consciousness is divine: that human consciousness is a part of divine consciousness. That would initiate consciousness into a quantum transformation of harmonised existence. And finally this entelechy (purposeful evolution), reaches an external manifestation, as a transformed world culture.
We shall begin our investigation with the ego. What exactly is meant by the ego? It is essentially the personal I Am awareness. I am aware that I am, as a personal conscious being or entity. Self-awareness is what makes the existence of the ego self evident. When evolved it becomes an uroborus: a cyclic return to the awareness of the divine nature of consciousness. At the lowest level of human consciousness, ego lacks almost total autonomy. It is literally programmed by external forces.
A soul incarnates with two related main threads entwined. From the beginning there is the environmental situation and innate soul tendencies. This then develops as a engagement between nature and nurture. Gradually the personal ego gains in autonomy but simultaneously becomes influenced by the particular environment it dwells within.
The leaning towards either autonomy or automatism is then relative to each individual soul. The personal I Am becomes identified with thoughts that are borrowed from others. We shall examine the three main types of thinking that are common place: the two that I refer to as horizontal-quantitative (left) or lateral-qualitative: red and blue: and the divine, that I refer to as gold. These three types of thinking are states of consciousness. The horizontal red and blue types of thinking are traditionally thought of as politically left wing and right wing. They are intrinsically oppositional and antagonistic. They always invite contrasting viewpoints. Gold thinking is truthful thinking and belongs to higher consciousness. But there is a function that I will refer to as the ‘mediative’. It is the I Am function as meditative consciousness, that can ideally integrate and harmonise the other three types of thinking. The human ego as mediator undergoes a shift and no longer identifies with any one type of thinking, but rather as the divine consciousness that is aware of itself as infinite source. It is from this innermost self-aware Consciousness that an investigation into the horizontal left and right can fruitfully occur. The I Am awareness knows itself as beyond the limitations of both left and right, and thus can mediate. This functional capacity partakes of the golden impulse. This theme will be continued over the following few Esoteric Thoughts sections. We have begun with the essentially simple recognition of the ego as the self evident experience of one’s own individuated awareness of consciousness. I am aware of being a conscious being. I am therefore I think.

Esoteric Thoughts 11
Here is my latest esoteric ‘science fiction’ story plot. A super agenda is driving what is happening in the world, and has a few major components, one of which is the plan to depopulate humanity. This connects to the other component that is a vision for a future that is ruled by bio-technocracy and Transhumanism. It would include the micro-management of humanity: of the human psyche and biology via super technology. Therefore simultaneous sub agendas are taking place. The depopulation agenda itself has numerous experimental sub-agendas and processes underway. A free global vaccination under the manipulated and dishonest guise of an anti-covid vaccine is one such sub/agenda. Essentially, such vaccines have nothing to do with a virus. The influenza vaccination likewise has little or nothing to do with health. The control of social media, political policy and law, are intended to establish total control, and those that oppose this global regime will be punished or eliminated. This will be sold to the compliant as a type of social credit system. Those who obey the new rules will be given privileges and those who disobey will be either deprived or punished. A bogus keyword will be sustainability. Key words themselves are harvested as ways of indoctrinating the masses.
It appears as if the new world order is a recipe for survival. It divides the world’s population between compliant ‘good’ people and disobedient ‘bad’ people. All this plays out in its early phase of ‘the final solution.’
It is the real super agenda being implemented underneath the external engineered scenarios. Melbourne is one of a number of target cities connected by way of agencies that connect cities in networks of planned cooperation. Trans-national law enforcement becomes increasingly and secretly used as ways to suppress uprisings and protests.
This allows for what are dress rehearsals for the planned globalist take over of humanity. This is the red pill version: the extreme overreach of control. The blue pill version of this story-plot opposes this to a degree, because it leans towards the extreme overreach of freedom with minimum checks and balances. Both these as extremes have selfish, cold-hearted, elitist, exclusive and evil motivations. Both are anti-human and anti-spiritual.
Only the heroic gold pill of higher consciousness can be as a vertical down flow of reasoned spiritual influence, and can be a benevolent third force within the horizontal war of all against all. Only an evolved, alchemicalised, transformed warmhearted consciousness can bring wisdom, care and love to this archetypal battle.
Knowledge of this super agenda and it’s key components are communicated into the social mainstream. Seeds are planted: eyes and ears are opened. Hearts are warmed and made courageous. Young souls who have entered the fray with missions to rebel against both the red and blue extremes, become the golden warriors of the future. Transhumanism is not totally averted, but the shape of the evolving vision depends on who is running the grand show. Technocracy is not stopped in its march into a digital future, but its usages depend on its main leading operators. Now in this esoteric science fiction story, we shall need to focus more on the gold pill. What part will you play in this story?

Esoteric Thoughts 9
Behind all phenomena is consciousness. And consciousness within the human entity is able to choose what it thinks. This increasingly and now exponentially, is a power that has created the external (beyond natural world) we dwell within.
This power of human thinking, that is possible because of consciousness, has evolved through many developments. It has created out of its imaginative thinking the matrix of complex phenomena that constitutes our global cultures.
The forward thrust of this evolving process (an entelechy which partially means a purpose-driven impulse) is towards an industrial-consumerist and now technological dominance of culture. Whatever and whoever is perceived as not feeding into this process, which is the underpinning ethos behind capitalism, is considered useless and a burden. This has now been viewed as a problem that requires ‘a final solution’. Do the words ‘a final solution’ send a shiver up your spine? They should. What is happening now is a conflation of elements that I will attempt to imperfectly indicate. Imperfectly because it’s complex almost beyond human imagination. This is not intended to scare you but rather help prepare you and also be a part of a counter-force that knowledge can help bring about. With anything as complex as this (what is actually happening in the world) one can only find entry points and join a few dots. The greater challenge is then to investigate and research in order to fill in more and more gaps.
My entry point is that there exists a super agenda, that has many sub-agendas connected and serving ‘it’. The super-agenda itself has many related components. I will focus on one of these components and a simple reason why it is deemed important. There is a projected vision of a desirable future. It will be a type of bio-technological Transhumanism. It is desired because it appears as an advance on the present state of human evolution. If you will, a supra-human condition. In order to achieve this obstacles need to be removed one way or another. One main obstacle is over-population. It is thought that a great percentage of humanity serves no purpose and therefore is a burden. Because consumerism is the foundation of capitalism, those who cannot consume are considered useless. This thinking reduces everyone and everything to the status of a commodity. Life is commodified. Therefore, to create a two class system, an elite and a subservient enslaved majority is the goal, but without a third class of billions who can contribute little to the consumerist economy. The future will not have a middle class and a lower class as such. The lower class is intended to be abolished. This includes older people who are deemed past their used by date. At the same time, the search is on for an elixir that will reverse the aging process for the elite. This future transhumanistic fantasy is actually the real goal of the technocracy and supra-biology of these times. Super AI is the means that this will come about. The real counter-force is not one that can eliminate technology but rather humanise and spiritualise it. This is the hope. In truth, there is nothing more powerful than the natural status of the soul. This is one aspect of a super agenda that is mostly hidden from view.

Esoteric Thoughts 8
There is an underlying reason behind what is happening that is a part of the real story engulfing us all. This is going to sound strange and for many unbelievable.
What is happening all around us in the world is a planned response to a collective awakening that is occurring especially among the younger generations.
This is a spiritual war: a battle between forces that George Lucus mythologised in his Star War films. Joseph Campbell and others saw into this modern mythos patterns or archetypes that wove though human history. I will now add something to this epic mythic story.
Waves of souls are reincarnating with a collective mission. Many are now in their twenties and teens. Many more are as yet too young to be active in their soul missions.
The awakening of millions of young people all over the world is a spiritual wave of consciousness, transitioning into a new alchemised quantum shift. This is a movement that is therefore a threat to the old consciousness : a consciousness that has been the dominant force on our planet for thousands of years.
The Plandemic is the counter force that is intended to prevent this shift from happening. For a few months it worked brilliantly. Lock downs justified by an invisible global killer menace had everyone obeying the new rules. Moreover, the global protests of millions of especially younger awakening people across the entire world was halted in its tracks. But who joined the dots? And yet....gradually, more and more investigators felt that something wasn’t adding up. Many alternative facts, information and perspectives began to be uncovered and shared. And then something unprecedented in the so called free democratic world also began to happen. A massive censorship campaign began that attempted to silence, intimidate and punish those who had different perspectives from the mainstream.
That began a few months ago. Since then it has become streadily worse. This real living mythic scenario is a symptomatic manifestation, engineered by forces attempting to justify themselves. The main pillar of that justification is the corona virus. Hence the number game became the daily obsession of a manipulated and controlled social media in Victoria and the rest of Australia and the world. The virus became the invisible deadly threat that would allow for a series of draconian measures to be put in place. Once enterted on this path it was never going to be easy to change direction. Remember this is all a cover up to prevent a global uprising the likes humanity has never witnessed before. This is a spiritual war between two primal forces: light and dark, transitioning within us, and projected externally: as within, so without.
The cracks in the facade of a globally justified lock down and reason to keep people from gathering are now beginning to reveal themselves. And as an increase in polarity occurs between those who believe in a single mainstream narrative and those who don’t, an overreach of police force (and if necessary the Australian Defence Force) has brought Victoria to the attention of the whole world. But the other phenomena that has begun to re-emerge is the groundswell of youth and many older people who are seeing through the appearances that have been perpetrated upon us. Once again a spreading global rebellion is building, that in Victoria is only just starting to build momentum. It is creating a deep divide between people. And creating a tension between the government with its police force and army in toe, and a growing number of its own citizens. Even the mainstream media is now beginning to ask questions. The tower is quivering and quavering. The Emperor’s devoted followers are appearing as if they are increasingly under a spell. This can only lead to further antogonisms if the powers that be do not change direction. Beneath the surface of all of this outer manifestation, a far deeper agenda
at play. This is a war between a continuation of essential principles that have driven global culture for eons, but now with a future orientation towards a Transhumanism controlled by ‘mad’ people, as against a new consciousness that would bring about a totally different type of future: one where kindness, caring, loving and benovent creativity were the impulses that drive evolution into a wondrous new paradigm: an evolutional quantum shift that humanity has the potential for, buried deep within consciousness itself.
The young ones can collectively overcome and overturn the tired, unkind, pathological structures of a Tower of Babel that has become a prison-tower: a cultural prison that the forces of darkness would enslave all of humanity into if it could.
We older ones can support the younger souls, who have come here for this. They have a great mission. Let us help them bring a new civilisation into being. Or stand aside.

Esoteric Thoughts 7
What is happening in Victoria is an experiment that links in with a greater global agenda. It also links in with a particular political ideology that is shared by those belonging to all major political parties. That ideology is about control. There are two roads towards the desired end game of this unilateral agenda. There are two pills that are being used: the red pill and the blue pill. The red pill is the manufactured left hand road. It uses force, coercion, intimidation and punishment as its weapons of choice. It also attempts to establish an atmosphere of compliance whereby its citizens turn against each other. Its models belong to Communist regimes or similar oligarchical systems and its heroes include Lenin and Putin. Direct control is the left hand path.
The blue pill is the liberal freedom loving right hand road. It use the impulse of mainly unrestricted freedom to do what it wants without ethical boundaries. It favours the wealthy and powerful over the masses. It uses corporate power to run the economy. Its models include neo-liberalism and its models include Trump and Johnson. These two paths are essentially two types of fascism. They both serve the same master. They both ultimately serve the same agenda, which is to control the human population. It’s simply that in Victoria at this time it is the red left hand road that is dominating. The only way that consciousness and humanity can break free of this is for a third pill to be injested into consciousness. That is the gold pill. It belongs to a higher consciousness of truth, wisdom and love. It actually belongs to a transformed consciousness that would radically bring about a new world culture. The dominant feature of both the red and the blue cults are a type of hive mentality. Only the gold pill has a real depth of autonomy. Only the gold pill encourages critical thinking. It is not the computer projections that should be determining policy decisions but rather the quality of the initial data: how honest and how much integrity has it? One inferior thought can spawn an entire network of false data. And it is here at the leading edge of the human dilemma we find ourselves at a current threshold. The entire narrative surrounding the Covid world is founded on a few assumptions. These core assumptions if left unquestioned then spawn a massive network of computerised projections and policy decisions. The most essential of these assumptions regards whether the pandemic is actually what we are told it is. Once the assumption is that the pandemic is such and such in its essential reality, everything that follows is powerfully influenced and determined by that assumption. This is why it can be named as the covid cult. A cult no longer questions itself. The present red pill version of this covid cult has created for itself a prison that it cannot free itself from. That is why a counter force is attempting to crack open the enclosed hive mentality that does not want to be opened up. That is why alternative narratives to the mainstream are censored, ridiculed, punished and most alarmingly, brutalised are becoming increasingly common. That is why the future world we are co-creating is at stake. A final word: the gold pill is beyond both left and right. It is a true third force and its voice is hardly heard among the clatter generated by the mainstream narratives (including the Greens).
The gold voice must now be birthed among the collapsing structures of an old outdated paradigm.

Esoteric Thoughts 6
A Multi-dimensional Alchemical Perspective
Consciousness in its pure state has a pure vision. This vision is a holex, which means it includes every dimension from pure immaterial thought to the densest materialisation and physicality. As Consciousness descends through the matrix of ever increasing densifications an alchemy of changing physics takes place. In the pure state of consciousness there are no limits. There is pure freedom. But with descending degrees of manifestation and independence, freedom itself becomes individualised and therefore limited. It falls into increasing types of structures. This structures can be thought of in many ways. For instance as physics or the physical laws that govern any dimension of reality: but also metaphysical laws. The descending or ascending dimensions, viewed depending on which vantage point one views from, are all within consciousness itself. Gradually and incrementally human consciousness is moving towards a holex: an integrated multi-dimensionally. A qualitative-quantitative balance. 2020 is a key year in the transition from an old epoch that has had its time. It is the beginning of a phase of breakdown and breakthrough that is a dying and a birthing of a new global culture. We are creeping towards what in the eastern traditions is known as enlightenment. This evolution must happen. It is a survival imperative and is playing out all around us and within us right now. Everything inward expresses outward. And for those who live in Melbourne and Victoria, it is playing out dramatically. History is in the making and it’s shaking everything to the foundations. Therefore, whatever happens day by day, hour by hour, it is important to rise above the material and physical dimension, and think, feel and intuit into the metaphysical dimension. It is here that we can discover the courage, connectivity, trust and love that we need at this time.
Another element that is vital at this time is the principle of critical mass. On the quantitative level of this transition it is a numbers game. Numbers have been understood as a simplistic way to evoke mass reactions. The powers that be know this very well and have used numbers as a psychological way to indoctrinate the masses. They use social media to do this. But another real aspect of the number game regards how many people are awakening to what is really happening and have the courage to act on that awakening experience. So what is really happening? The descent into materialism and physicality has joined now with technology. Human evolution has reached a criticial stage: one that has been prophesised for thousands of years. Human evolution was always going to reach a phase whereby either a transformation or a deformation would occur. This is the historical moment. Therefore there is a surreal unbelievability that is increasingly overwhelming for many about what is happening. It’s a psychic tsunami sweeping into everyone’s lives. The essential feature of this is consciousness itself. It is time for a quantum consciousness shift. And this needs to depose many world leaders from their positions by whatever means. In some essential ways history is repeating itself. And Victoria is an epi-Center of a polarised social crisis that is using authoritarianism to trample, intimidate and silence any who oppose its tyranny. That this is supported by a large percentage of its citizens and is essentially a repeat of history is dismaying, but my prayer is that the tide is turning and enough people awaken. It is up to each one of us to choose what type of destiny we want to contribute to.

Esoteric Thoughts 5
So here we are: at a crossroads. And over seven billion humanoids are being asked to choose a road to travel on. There are three choices. One could choose to go back the way one has come. Then nothing new will be encountered. But maybe some consolidation and reflection can be helpful in the long run. Or one could take the road to the right. That is the road most travelled. It brings the past into a modified new version of itself. It will continue to move towards that which has already been set in motion. Only superficial change occurs along this road. Or one could take the road to the left. That is the road less travelled. It learns from the past and has the wisdom and courage to break new ground. It alone can ignite a new flame. How many choose one of these three paths will determine the critical mass of humanities destiny. At this point in time humanity needs to choose the left hand road, and it needs to become a critical mass. It is the road of an evolved consciousness that has learnt from the past and can individually and collectively choose to deconstruct its worst features and reconstruct new improved ways of being. The crossroad is where conservative meets progressive, either in respectful dialogue or in antagonistic opposition. Unfortunately there is a great lack of middle ground and a preponderance of polarity. Consequently, there are no dialogues about many vital fundamental issues. This is normal when authoritarianism, in politics and mainstream social media only permits one narrative to be broadcast and forces other narratives underground. The left hand road then becomes the way of resistance. So now there is a resistance movement that is gaining momentum in many countries. It is somewhat slow to take off here in Australia partly because of the winter season. This is about to change. But all that is happening is covering up an agenda that has been long in the planning. There is much written and spoken about hidden agendas (as if they are somehow a new phenomenon) and the people of the backward road and the right hand road tend to think of such agendas as the paranoia of conspiracy theorists. Everything that is suggestive of a hidden agenda is thrown into the basket of irrational conspiracy theory. But many of the people of the left hand road do extensive and deep research and this includes many with inside knowledge. This is the beginning of an outer-inner shift in consciousness. The left hand road leads to inner transformation. It alone evolves human consciousness. It alone discovers truth within the very nature of one’s own soul. And when many individuals choose this left hand road it moves towards critical mass. This is how our human and planetary culture can and must change. In the meantime we are living through a mighty transition from an outmoded paradigm of selfishness, narcissism, eliticism, totalitarianism, fascism, racism and control with all the myriads of consequences to a new paradigm, a new flame whereby increasing numbers of people will trust their intuitive leanings and deepen their autonomy with altogether different consequences: hope, sensitivity, caring, mutuality, truth, creativity and freedom. This is and will continue to be a new spiritual awakening. This is the left hand road beckoning to all who can leave the other roads behind.

Esoteric Thoughts 4
There is a whirlpool of thought forms afoot within society and confusion and engineered conflation is everywhere. From within this engineered miasmic matrix there is one factor that cannot be enslaved and controlled: the living spiritual soul. The evolution of conscious entities led eventually to the evolution of the human being on planet Earth. This in turn led to the modern evolution of the period we are still in, that we know as human history. What is vital to understand is that throughout these epochs of cosmic and earthly evolution there have been two archetypal forces at play. These two forces have been dramatised and described in many varied ways, from Skywar movies, to Jekyl and Hyde and Goethe’s Faust. The oldest human myths point to this double streaming of essential forces; for example the story of the Garden of Eden and Gilgamesh.
They all represent an archetypal battle between benevolent and malevolent forces, light and dark, truth and lies. This battle of forces is therefore a part of this entire cosmic experiment.
It has now entered a phase that has been long predicted: described as Armageddon or the war of all against all, or maybe ‘world war three’.
This final stage of the archetypal battle is now a global dynamic that uses every type of evolved technology, science and communications. It has infiltrated every institution and every corner of the planet. This manifests within every aspect of earthly culture and nature. It is experienced as the daily ‘normal’. But there is something else going on. People who have varying degrees of insight into the great lies and half truths that are being rolled out globally to confuse and enslave the world’s population, are themselves forming new networks of truth sharing. Indeed, the darker the darkness, the brighter the light. This I have been experiencing on all levels, inwardly and outwardly. This is playing out on every level of human activity and despite external appearances, the dark forces are losing the war. They win some battles but they will lose the war.
This is because the origin of the entire cosmic and earthly evolution is an experiment that has only the best intentions. The light , which is the truth, is also the very best of human potential. We are beings constituted of cosmos. Thus, throughout these times of fear induced uncertainty and conflated messages, hold true to what you feel and know deep within your hearts. Hold together with others who are warriors of light and truth. Trust in the innermost love that dwells within your souls.

Esoteric Thoughts 3
The present world model is wrong from a spiritual perspective. The Beings that energise any stream of evolutional creativity, first as ideas and then as intentions and finally as external manifestations, belong to two very different sources. The beings of karmic progression thrive off the most material, physical and now technological identity. The Beings of spiritual destiny thrive off the most immaterial, metaphysical and spiritual consciousness identity. These two streams can either collaborate and integrate or conflict and separate. Human consciousness is at the mediative centre of gravity within this multi-dimensional matrix. Human thinking liberated from a limited cerebral (brain centred) identification can potentially integrate the two streams of metaphysical and physical, spiritual and human, into an evolved homo-spiritus.
The domination and unintegrated stream of karmic progression has been the model that is responsible for the type of world culture we inhabit. Its own destiny is rooted in an unseen outcome, which is its own total collapse and disintegration. The Beings of spiritual destiny by contrast are destined to continue to evolve by virtue of being servants of Source, no matter by what name is given to it. Those beings, human or otherwise, who cannot rise to spiritualised consciousness are yet a part of the greater evolutional process and can eventually harmonise with a new living paradigm.
The majority of non human earthly beings are already harmonised but simply lack in human consciousness. Bio diversity is the natural non human blueprint that offers humanity a model. So does the universe with its diversity held together by an invisible force. This has been described as implicate order that expresses at its most sacred as the explicate order.
The forces belonging to these two streams filter through all the dimensions (hierarchies) of cosmic evolution and into the human evolutional process. Our world is therefore a microcosmic alchemical compression of cosmic evolutional processses. Human evolution is the Petri dish of a cosmic experiment. What we perceive as history is a recent account of this macro-micro evolutional process. And when it is said that ‘the world is wrong’ what is meant is that a principle inherent within this evolutional process is being oriented in a way that can only lead to a failure of the experiment; unless there can be a transformed re-orientation. This is the threshold that humanity has entered in this epoch. This expresses as two very different world visions. The fundamental challenge for humanity now is not to eliminate the karmic progression but to integrate and transform it. It is not the equal to the spiritual stream but can be used as the spiritualised vehicle from which a transformed culture can emerge. In other words, the transformed human identity would truly be of a spiritual being having a human experience. Spiritual vision would manifest as human culture.
Humanity stands now within a mighty storm whereby the two forces of karmic progression with its horizontal dynamics meets spiritual destiny with its vertical downflow of qualitative living experience and enlightened consciousness. The outcome of the recalibration of these two forces into a collaborative harmony would set the world aright. The cosmos would then sing the praises of a world redeemed.

Esoteric Thoughts #2
This is going to seem esoteric, abstract and perhaps meaningless for those who are on a different wave length or frequency of consciousness. It is very personal but also impersonal for those who are conscious of undergoing the same shift in inner and outer life.
Who one was yesterday does not automatically imply who one is today or who one will be tomorrow. We as souls, exist on the threshold of karma and destiny. Karma is yesterday’s identity super-imposed on today’s consciousness. It is experienced as the familiar. Within this linear progression there are moments of opportunity to undergo a quantum shift in consciousness, that is as a circuit breaker of karmic progression. It can feel like yet another opportunity for inner change, but at special moments in evolutional time, can take on a profoundly deeper quality. This can manifest as a synchronicity of inner and outer events and experiences. A lucid dream, an unexpected phone call, an opportunity, a song heard on the radio, a bird tapping on the window, a sudden realisation of the significance of the date, uncanny timing and any number of other a-causal meaningful connections, all indicating an inter-dimensional portal, a karmic and destiny threshold beckoning. But karmic progression in its regularity needs to adapt and transform sufficiently to enable new life to manifest. Otherwise, like a cake not fully baked there will be the need for a longer period of baking in the oven. There is no judgement in this. It is simply a natural part of the cosmic, planetary and human experiment: something we know as evolution. There are periods of planetary history when the threshold of personal and collective meet and the windows of opportunity for quantum change involve the entirety of humanity. It is when collective karma meets collective destiny in ways that are tremendously significant for everyone and everything. It is so at this time. The forces of familiar personal and collective karma meet the forces of personal and collective destiny that calls for an alchemical quantum shift of consciousness. Are we either as individuals or as collectives ready to surrender the dross of karmic progression for the new life of a greater destiny? This is where I am right now. Standing on the threshold. And I intuitively know that many others are too. Many are experiencing karmic progressions as old habits of thinking energised potently, mixed with potent forces of destiny calling. This creates a disturbance in the familial sense of personal identity. One is within the midst of an inner recalibration. It is reflected too in the external world. Nothing is the same anymore. Karmic progression has met its limitation. The boundaries are being breached. And there is a tremendous possibility of a quantum shift into new life and a new world, or a terrible regression back into the dross, that would have destiny thrown back into itself.
This is playing out all around us. What can we do? More than anything else, one can orient one’s consciousness towards all that appears aligned with hope, kindness, love, service and spirit. And to gently release all that is not worthy of a glorious future that beckons on the other side of the threshold. A glorious future that would shift our outer world into the garden of Eden transformed.

Freedom is sacrosanct
There needs to be a common principle that allows for differing views to be heard. It is known as freedom. That sadly is lacking in the present atmosphere. Regardless of one’s views, for anyone to censor, silence, punish or prevent others sharing their views, creates the foundation for divisions that cannot be reconciled or healed. There is then no middle ground and two sides are forced into battle by intolerance by either side. Whoever perpetrates such division by censoring, silencing or preventing others from sharing their differing viewpoints is responsible for initiating separation, antoganism and conflict. If one is the victim of such actions by others should one simply accept it and withdraw? That is one position. The other position is to fight for freedom. And in the present global and local situation, the fight is definitely not only for one’s own sake.
The message I want to work with is that if one chooses to fight the battle it needs to be done with love.
Arjuna eventually accepted that he had to fight against his enemies. Krishna was on his side. It was a battle that had to be fought.
Churchill could have had a questionable character but he was the man of the moment and Hitlerism had to be opposed.
Not that I’m comparing A H with anyone specifically. But the point is the need for an environment where freedom is upheld as a sacred principle as long as it isn’t causing harm to others.
The degree of censorship, silencing and preventing of any other view except the chosen mainstream one, is alarming. I’ve never in 71 years experienced this with the possible exception of living in Greece in 1969/70 when the Milatary Junta ruled.
Having said as much, the option to withdraw and stay true to the innermost essence of life, without fighting against tyranny (which suppression of freedom of expression is) cannot be dismissed as illegitimate.
The problem then becomes a division between those who agree in the value of freedom. Somebody was quoted as saying, I may disagree with what you say, but I’ll fight with all my powers to defend your right to say it.
My own position is fluid to a degree. That means I cannot simply feel inwardly right about fighting the battle nor withdrawing from it. The justifications can be found easily enough to support either position. But at core of my being I will fight for freedom. Freedom can of course be abused but without freedom there is no opportunity to learn and transform.
The reason for the battle itself has much to do with those who censor, silence, punish and try to prevent others from bringing their views to the middle ground of public life. This is what leads to totalitarianism, fascism and fundamentalism in the religious and political realms.
I will fight for freedom with my whole being.
Whether by withdrawing because it feels wise to do so or by expressing myself and inviting disapproval and criticism. This is my position at the present time but unlike some others I welcome dialogue and opposing views, or those that resonate positively with my own, as long as no one is being silenced and punished. The middle ground should be in my opinion, a place of safety where all can express and be heard. I left a spiritual organisation in 1998 after 16 years of being intimately involved because of the intolerance towards differing views and questioning. It is a core principle deep within my soul to defend the principle of freedom or fight against those who would deny freedom to others. Say no to the lie! Say no to tyranny. Say yes to freedom, love, courage and the search for truth.